Micro Focus: Sparking Partnerships, Possibilities and Profitabilities

Regional summits and trips are always common corporate activities, to drive alignment and fire up the sales team and partners. Often it is customary for these events to include dinners, presentations, CSR and golf as a way to appreciate and encourage the attendees to network. Micro Focus – one of the world’s leading software and IT wanted their Asia Pacific Japan (APJ) Partner Leadership Summit to be unique and impactful, and our Singapore team was tasked to deliver on that vision.

ROOTS developed an overarching theme called “Sparks” for the summit. The idea was to ignite the fire in these participants and move their business further into the new year through the 3Ps – Partnerships, Possibilities and Profitabilities.

The guests were informed with details of the event through regular customised thematic emailers delivered through a partner concierge email account. The partner concierge response team was tasked to drive excitement for the attendees whilst communicating the mandatories of the summit.

On the event day, we kicked off formalities with a “Light the Spark” dinner where the venue was beautifully decorated with blue fairy lights featuring a grand entrance of champagnes served with sparklers and a Sabrage as the opening of the event. Kicking the fun up a notch, guests received popping candies as part of the daily room drops as a representation of the theme “Sparks” and small touches were added to highlight the 3Ps in the entire experience such as the name and decorative cards of the coffee break stations, performances over the next few days and the design of the stage.

The gala dinner was themed Colour & Glow fusing the colourful cultures of Danang and Sparks. The night opened with cultural fire-breathing dragon and lion dances followed by the award and video presentations and finally ended with a bang where guests were treated with an ensemble of breathtaking firework show.